A I R S H O W   C A L E N D A R  





Copyright © 2025  SHHAS      Website by Colin Lee

T V  &  R A D I O   P R O G R A M M E S


TOP GUNS - Inside the RAF


The second season of a Six part series


starts on 4 February.


Channel 4 - 21.00 hrs.


Channel 4 + 1 - 22.00 hrs.









Book And DVD Review

There are no shortages of aviation books published every year, so have you read a good, bad or indifferent aviation related book recently? Could you write a short review of a Biography, Autobiography, Reference or even an Aviation Novel?

Or maybe you’ve watched an aviation documentary or a feature film you think other society members would enjoy or should avoid!

Please put a few words down and send them to the Webmaster or bring along to the next meeting and hand to a member of the committee.

(Please remember to include the name of the author, publisher, cover price and if possible the ISBN.)

Thank You.




“The Sky Beyond”


Sir Gordon Taylor

Please Click Here for another review by

SHHAS member Andrew Collins

Updated 17.06.2024





N E X T   M E E T I N G

Fast Jets - Aden to ADV

A Talk By

Group Captain Ron Burrows

Wednesday 2nd April

19:30 for 19:45 start

Download Poster Here




P-51 D Mustang “Miss Helen” 44-72216 (G-BIXL) on finals at Duxford, 14 September 2024

Calling All

Scale Model


Download Poster Here